Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Year Without and Then With a Chiropractor, What a Difference a Year Can Make!

My lower back pain wouldn't even let me carry my xmas tree in last year!As I begin 2008, I can’t help but think about how different this year is starting than last year. In December of 2006, I was in desperate need of help for my lower back. I threw it out once again, and this time…it was really bad. I could barely walk. It was the beginning of December 2006 when I decided that I’d had enough and I started looking for a chiropractor. If you’ve read my posts since then, you can see the outstanding improvement that I’ve made after going to Dr. Pagano for the past 13 months. I can tell you that it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. How good of a decision? Read on.

Here is a quick comparison of December 2006 and December 2007:

Last December – I could barely walk.
This December – I just ran 4 miles yesterday. :-)

Last December – I could barely get my Christmas tree in the door and into the stand. You would have thought I was lifting a car…
This December – I grabbed the tree off of my car, pulled it into the house, lifted it into the stand, and without any pain at all. Take that Mr. Grinch.

Last December – I took a 5 hour flight for a business trip and was in pain the entire flight… I was stretching in the airport after the flight since it hurt so bad! Literally.
This December – Although I didn’t have any flights to take, I did take the train numerous times (for over 60 minutes per ride), and I can tell you that I felt no pain at all. Bring on the 5 hour flight!

Last December – I couldn’t pick up my daughter during the holidays…even when she was excited about her gifts. I tend to joke around a lot, but this one is no joke at all. If you have kids, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
This December – I easily could pick up my daughter (and now son) without any pain at all. And for Christmas, you bet I was carrying her down the steps to see what Santa brought! Again, if you are a parent, you know how good this made me feel. :-)

Last December – I couldn’t exercise at all. Working out is part of my life…it really makes me feel lousy to take off from running, lifting weights, etc. Looking back, though, I was more worried about serious, long-term back pain than working out…so I shouldn’t complain too much.
This December – I worked out regularly without much pain at all. Every now and then my back gets sore, but sore is nothing compared to not being able to get out of bed! I run, lift weights, circuit train, etc. Thank you Vito Pagano. :)

So, as you can see, what a difference a year can make! If you are experiencing back pain and not sure if a chiropractor can make a difference (like I was thinking), then I believe you should at least give it a try. That’s unless you want to drag a Christmas tree in while holding your lower back and singing “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year…” Believe me, it’s not a pretty sight. :)

The Patient