Great question and there's not one schedule that fits all situations. That said, I wanted to bring up the importance of chiropractic maintenance. Yes, you're not a car or a house, but when you have a bad back, you might as well think of it that way.
Oil changes, driveway sealing, gutter cleaning, new tires, and chiropractic adjustments! That's right, lump them all together into a maintenance bucket. If you avoid maintaining any of these items, you will not end up in a good place. Your car will fail, your driveway will crack, and YOU WILL THROW YOUR BACK ONCE AGAIN, and maybe worse then you ever have. (Do I sound like I'm talking from experience?) You bet. Case in point, a few months ago.
I was working on a great new project at work and I thought I was too busy to go to Dr. Pagano. How long did I avoid going to the Chiropractor? 3.5 months! That's right, I felt invincible again...bad move. Although my back felt great, I was jogging a lot, lifting weights, lifting my kids, etc. All of that activity slowly wears down your bad back until...you can't walk! That's right, I threw out my back so badly that I could barely walk. I actually had to go to the emergency room it hurt so badly.
So, I crawled into Dr. Pagano's office, explained what I did and let him do his magic. It didn't get better overnight, but 2 weeks later I felt 1000 times better. Seriously, he had fixed me once again.
What I did wrong:
I didn't go for monthly chiropractic adjustments. Boy, that was stupid. "I'm too busy....I'm working too much..." That's ridiculous. I ended up having to go more when I got hurt than if I went for monthly adjustments in the first place!
The point of my post: You probably take care of your car and house, right? So take care of yourself for crying out loud!
Thank you Dr. Pagano for fixing my back once again. I promise I won't avoid my chiropractic maintenance ever again. I'll be in next week.
The Patient
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